DoublePane 1.0 Help (Latest Version Help)

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Getting Started with DoublePane

Before using DoublePane, a System Preference needs to be set which will allow DoublePane to reposition windows on your behalf. On first launch DoublePane will prompt you to
"Enable Access for Assistive Devices".

Enable Access for Assistive Devices

Click on the "Open Universal Access" Button to bring up the Universal Access System Preferences

Clicking the "Enable access for assistive devices" and DoublePane is ready for use.

Using DoublePane

DoublePane presents itself as an onscreen menu bar item. It should be in the upper right corner of the screen near the clock and volume controls.

Screenshot of Doublepane Menubar item

Clicking on the DoublePane brings up its menu

Screenshot of DoublePane menu

The Current Window

DoublePane operates on the currently selected window. This is usually the frontmost window of the actively running application.

Current Window

Moving Left

Selecting “Move Left” from the DoublePane menu will reposition the current window to the left half of the screen.

Move Left

Moving Right

Selecting “Move Right” from the DoublePane menu will reposition the current window to the right half of the screen.

Move Right

Filling the Screen

Selecting “Fill Screen” from the DoublePane menu will reposition the current window so that it fills the screen.

Fill Screen

Keyboard Shortcuts

Holding down the “ctrl” and “alt/option keys” and pressing the left, right or up arrow keys allow you to easily reposition the current window at any time without using the mouse. The following table outlines DoublePanes keyboard shortcuts.

Action Keyboard Shortcut Description
Move Left Reposition the currently selected window to the left half of the screen.
Move Right Reposition the currently selected window to the right half of the screen.
Fill Screen Reposition the currently selected window to fill the screen.
Restore Restore the currently selected window to its original size and position.


Selecting “Preferences…” from the DoublePane menu brings up the Preferences Window.

Preferences Window

Clicking the “Start DoublePane at login” checkbox will allow DoublePane to startup when you login to your computer.